Despite having an initial 3-minute delay, it is possible to view the match(es) live, thus the introduction of Ghosting. Another widely used method includes running a Smurf account on a separate computer and having the stream open and viewable. There are many methods of doing this, with some of the most popular including having a friend open the stream and relay the information by mouth or over VoIP (Voice over IP). Ghosting is a term coined by definition when a summoner observes a stream in an attempt to gain advantage against an opponent. Additionally, the spectator is able to quickly and easily access information on either team such as in-game stats, item builds, gold totals, and ability cooldowns. A spectator can even choose to remove the fog of war altogether for a global view of the battlefield. Instead, he is able to jump to the perspective of either team, following the action as they see it. For starters, a spectating player has no champion to command or team affiliation. Spectator Mode is different from a normal player's perspective in a number of ways. League of Legends enables players to observe games in progress in Spectator Mode. 3.1.2 Spectator Mode UI VS Team Fight UI.3.1.1 Spectator Mode UI VS Team Fight UI.